Thursday, February 11, 2010

Facebook. Yes, have some.

Ok sorry, the title of this just makes me laugh. Remember Ghostbusters? I'm not even going to go into the scene where that line is used, but just trust me, it is. And everytime I hear "yes, have some." it just makes me laugh. Ok, now that you realize my humor is a bit off, let's move on. :)

I caved and gave in to creating a Facebook fan page. The only problem? Now that I have it, I'm not sure what to do with it! So I'm taking suggestions... What things should I put out there (remember, I am Facebook challenged. Just bear that in mind. The fan page was a struggle for me. I am very computer-literate, but for some reason, FB and I just don't get along)? Also, I suppose I need some fans?!? I added a link in the sidebar of the blog if you are interested...

(Right over here ------------------------------------------>)

Or you can find me here. And if you don't come visit me there, no big deal. But if you do, leave me a note with your fan page (if you have one) and let me know so I can fan you back!

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